Thank you for interest in Brilliant Church Small Groups!
  •  1. Go to Brilliant Communities App or website & search for a group. Open your app or visit https://www.Brilliant.Community/ExploreGroups to find all our open groups sorted out in day order. You will see the facilitator's name, and the demographic, if there is one, in the image of the group. Click the image to see more details and join.

  • ​2. Click Join Group to be automatically added to the group!You won't get an email to confirm that you have joined a specific group, so make sure to do step 3... 

  • 3. Introduce yourself to your group! You should now see the group you just joined in the My Groups drop down list. Click on the group from there to see your new group's community page! Choose 'Create Post' to post to your group members and facilitator and let them know who you are and that you are ready to take part!

Fellowship Groups & Study Groups
  • Study Groups will meet for 8 weeks as we dive deeper to explore the distinct voice of each Fruit of the Spirit. They will share the same worksheets & resources prepared by a member of Team Brilliant. Unless otherwise posted, all study groups meet virtually every week.

    Study groups were formed around a geographic location or demographic/interest. You do not need to exactly match the location listed because these groups meet virtually (we name them like this so you can aim for one close by or in the same time zone if you have the availability). Demographic groups (denoted with an icon) meet based on shared interest or status, please join these only if you do match exactly. Find open Study Groups details here.

  • Fellowship Groups will be meeting year-round to discuss the message from our monthly Brilliant Church gathering. This includes talking through the month's activation, praying the crafted prayer together, & discussing the prophetic word. These groups meet virtually either weekly, monthly, or twice a month. Find open Fellowship Groups details here.

  • You can join both a study and a fellowship group. Just be mindful of your group member's time, don't take on too much. 

 Study Groups
Access Small Groups on the App
  • ​​Brilliant Church small groups share an app with our coaching groups. We meet here to share important details, chat, and process between meetings.
  • ​Church members will be familiar, but if you are signing in for the first time, you will be prompted to create an account or password.
  • ​Your login is connected to your email address, so be sure to stick with the same one when you sign in, so you won't get too confused! 
  • ​You can search on your App or Play store for "Brilliant Communities" or scan the image below with your phone camera, and then tap the link to go straight to the app download.

Scan this QR code with your phone's camera:

Download App on iPhone :

If you need to search for the app, please look for Brilliant Communities

Download App on Android:

If you need to search for the app, please look for Brilliant Communities

  • If you have questions about accessing your community spaces, you can always reach out to for more help!
Brilliant Community App FAQ

You are now on the Brilliant Church homepage - www.Brilliant.Church - but we host a private app with all our small groups, member's coaching groups, & a Brilliant Church group where you can find Gathering resources & replays!

  • How do I get access to Brilliant Communities? Your access can come from a few things!
  • 1. If you have registered for our monthly Gatherings, you get access to the This month at Brilliant Church group. This group is a place to ask questions to team & community, fellowship, also see the month's resources & replays.

    2. If you have joined a Brilliant Church small group - learn more here - you will have access to the group you chose to join. You can then chat and coordinate with your specific small group there!

    3. If you have become a Brilliant Church member through donation. Our donor members have access to all our coaching groups & a member's only Brilliant Church group with a library of past Gatherings.

  • The app is perfect when using a mobile device. You can scan the code below with your mobile device's camera to download or search for Brilliant Communities or your App or Play Store.
  • You can also access Brilliant Communities on the web. Just visit! The groups you see in My Groups will vary depending on how you signed up with us.
  • New to Brilliant Community? You will be prompted to create a password. Use the email you registered, signed up for small groups or donated with to sign in, and you will be prompted to create a password if you do not already have one.
  • If you already have a login for Brilliant Plus (formerly BTV) or Brilliant Communities, you will use the same login. If you already have access you are all set! Swing by Brilliant Communities to check out what's happening!
    Using Brilliant Communities
    • New to Brilliant Communities? You will be prompted to create a password. Use the email you registered, signed up for small groups or donated with to sign in, and you will be prompted to create a password if you do not already have one.
    • On your app or computer browser, after logging in you should see... A group icon on the top right that will have a menu of your available communities and an option to explore available communities. It will look like this after you click the icon.
    • Choose a group and you will get more options... Community, Training, Today & Replays are possible to see here, but not all groups have all these options. 
    • Let's discuss what you will use these options for. Today tab shows just what was posted from Team Brilliant TODAY - it will often be blank, but it's a great short cut to find new posts or links to join sessions in progress.
    • Community tab is where you will see updates from our Team and Community members. You can post here and reply to posts! A fun way to fellowship! 
    • Training tab is where you will find your resources, replays & links when available!
    • Replays tab, when available, will be just the video replay resources - when there are many archived videos this is a very helpful tab!

    Download App on iPhone :

    If you need to search for the app, please look for Brilliant Communities

    Download App on Android:

    If you need to search for the app, please look for Brilliant Communities

    • If you have questions about accessing your community spaces, you can always reach out to for more help!

    Remember to check your new group on the app or on often! This is where you will meet and engage with your group members and access your resources!

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